


From our humble beginnings back in 1992, to our corporation today, The Pacifica Consortium Team lives, works, dreams and creates around the fundamental values of “protecting our world through innovation”. We take these words seriously…they are not just some vague vision statement in a corporate prospectus. Our values are what brought our team together. They are what bind us in the common bond of creating with the intent of giving back to the world which has given each of us so much.

Mission Statement

We are a small quiet team…few even know of us…for this is how great things are achieved…

Integrity & Honesty​

As with our shared values and mission, we are committed to the concepts of integrity and honesty in all that we say and do. All the doctors and engineers at our consortium believe strongly that our reputations depend and will rise or fall upon this.

Animal Protection Commitment

The Pacifica Consortium Corporation is absolutely dedicated to the vision of the elimination of all forms of animals in medical research. Our team unanimously shares the sound technical consensus that using animals in any form of research is no longer needed due to both advances in medical discovery methods and the humane mindset that animals do understand and suffer pain. The consortium will NEVER perform any form of research in any fashion that involves harming living animals or, the intentional termination of living animals.